Can't believe it's been two weeks since I've posted. So much and yet so little has happened in that time span...
Ok, well when last I wrote I had been having some pretty major back issues and had made an appointment with a chiropractor. Now, I have never been to one before but I've got to tell you if you have Ever thought of going have haven't yet -- WHAT are you waiting for, I'm telling you I am in love. It was/is AWESOME. I'm currently going twice a week and have had a total of five visits to date. I was pretty sore after one of the sessions but that is to be expected a little at the beginning; actually I think I felt so great after the session that I overdid it a bit and don't think that helped much. Anyhow, if you're having any back issues, what are you waiting for -- GO! And if you live on the west side of Cleveland contact me and I'll give you the name of my doctor, I'm telling you he's been a God-send! Anyhow I needed to take about a week off of running, or reduce my running...which when you're only running a mile or two reducing it by much pretty much means you're not running.
To summarize the running and working out it's been slow and only 3 weeks until the Run, Jane, Run 5k...ugh, it's going to be rough, but it's also going to be Great! I am really looking forward to being back in another 5k, even if my time is going to suck oh, and that hill at Edgewater...ok, not going to think about that right now am going to stick with the feeling of looking forward to being signed up for a 5k!! So far for the month of July I've only run 9 days, walked 1 day, had 7 personal training sessions and have skipped 7 days at the gym. Monday (7/21) is the last day I ran and I got in 2 1/4 miles with a little bit of walking intermingled in there. I've sort of set a goal in my head that if I can finish this 5k in 40 minutes I will be happy, under 40 would be awesome. (I know, I know people will be finishing the 10k in the same amount if not quicker and that is awesome for them; I am slow, I will in time get quicker, I may never get hardware but that doesn't make me any less competitive! I know you speedsters out there may not get that, but those of us at the end of the pack want it just as badly as you do!).
As for the rest of my has been good, I might even dare say it's been great! I've working a lot on forgiving and letting go, second chances, letting love in and learning how to re-direct my life path. Steve (my trainer) recommended an awesome book (yes I do say 'awesome' a lot don't I?!). If anyone is looking for a great read on figuring out your place with God, the Universe or whatever you want to call it, and wonder why your life sometimes takes turns your not sure of then I'd recommend getting 'The Secret'. I know it's been out for a while and if any of you are familiar with Dr. Wayne Dyer this book is the following the same philosophy. I am already looking forward to re-reading as well as putting it into practice! If you have already read it and ever wish to discuss it, let me know!
Ok, well there's the long and the short of it all. The underlying key is that I am staying positive, the minor set-backs and the slow start with my return to running will just make me stronger in the long run!
1 day ago
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