Wow. Ok, so basically an entire month has passed-by with out an update (bad blogger!).
Life here has been experiencing so many ups and downs lately... About three weeks ago the "blahs" came to visit and settled in for a while and they didn't come empty handed! They brought with them some really bad eating habits and that nasty cough/cold thing that's been visiting folks all winter long. I was surprised at just how easy it was to fall into all of those bad food habits again, and the result was about 6 pounds! So, how exactly do you get rid of un-wanted guests that seem so persistent to stay put -- apparently the answer is persistence in return! I managed to maintain my workout during their visit and figured if I'd ignore them for a while they would go away...I even went so far as to leaving the country for a nice relaxing weekend up North. So as of today, the "blahs" have appeared to have vacated my premises (I think I've discovered that planning to run 8 miles in one day, for the first time ever in my life was enough to make those "blahs" head for the hills!!).
With the impending work "take-over" just 66 business days away, I am sure the "blahs" will be looming looking for a place to come in and claim squatters-rights or something. But, with every door that closes another will open... (and if anyone stumbling across this blog is looking for, or knows someone looking for an Accountant drop me an email...I'm just sayin'). I've never been one to look forward to changes but on a clearer day, like today, I can look back at all that has changed for me and with me in the past year and I can say that sometimes a change is just what we need!
As for working out and running... My big goal that I set for myself for this year, in spite of all the foot and back issues, was to run the half-marathon in LasVegas in December. So slowly I have been allowed to increase the length of time I've been running and I've been making progress. Then, about three weeks ago Trainer-Steve pulled out a half-marathon training schedule and declared to me that based on where I was at with my running times that I could pick up the training and start following the 8-week schedule starting at about week 3. Hmmmm...I hadn't seen that one all! He also informed me that all was on track still for me to run the "Bridges..." 5k that I've been hoping to run on March 29th. Yeah.
So here's a breakdown of what's been going on for the past three weeks...
Week of 03/02 - 03/08
41.71 miles - 24.43 on elliptical and 17.28 running on treadmill
Week of 03/09 - 03/15
42.95 miles - 16.84 on elliptical and 26.11 running
my run on 03/15 was a 5 miler outside - this was my first outside run since the 5k I ran in November and messed up my feet. It felt good to be outside, but boy-oh-boy was it tougher than running on the treadmill. This was also the first time I've run 5 miles since about October!! It was a good day! This is also the week that I started to follow the half-marathon training schedule.
Week of 03/16 - 03/22
24.86 miles - 7.96 on elliptical 16.90 running
this is the week that the cold kicked my butt, followed by a nice relaxing weekend in Canada - I had honestly planned on working out that weekend but it just didn't happen.
Week of 03/23 - 03/29
45.81 miles - 13.59 on elliptical and 32.22 running
ok this was an AWESOME week for me! I was a little off the training schedule from the previous week but was back on track by mid-week. I ran my 5k on the 29th with a finishing time of 32:58, which isn't so bad considering I've been running on the treadmill at a 12 minute pace and it was pretty darn windy outside and there were those two bridges to cross... After finishing the race, my foot and back were on the verge of protesting so I chilled out for a bit, watched everyone get their awards and then headed off to the gym to run the additional 5 miles that I needed for the day in order to hit the scheduled 8 miles for the day. Trainer-Steve came into the gym (on his off-day mind you) to stretch me out.
So there ya have it. All up to date now. And today, the foot is a little sore, but nothing I'm really concerned about and the back is feeling great. The schedule has me listed for 10 miles this Sunday and then technically being able to run the 13.1 half marathon distance the following week! I'm still a little uncertain about this, after all the 8 miles I did yesterday was not consistent...but I'm going to do what I can. And then there was this crazy thought that entered my mind....The Hermes 10-miler is coming up in about four weeks.... hmmmm....
Ah yes, the times...they are a changing....
1 day ago